The blogs I troll daily are all posting Challenger posts - where were you, reprints of Reagan's speech and so on.
I was at Camp Pendelton, Infantry Training School (Kickback Charlie Company) learning how to be an 03 bullet - stopper. That morning we were on the LAW range learning how to shoot those cute little disposable anti-tank rockets. One of the training NCOs made a bad joke and the training continued. Life goes on.
Whatever - retrospective means nothing without action. James Lileks said this about another horrible day and it applies to this as well.
I was at Camp Pendelton, Infantry Training School (Kickback Charlie Company) learning how to be an 03 bullet - stopper. That morning we were on the LAW range learning how to shoot those cute little disposable anti-tank rockets. One of the training NCOs made a bad joke and the training continued. Life goes on.
Whatever - retrospective means nothing without action. James Lileks said this about another horrible day and it applies to this as well.
Remember.It's been twenty years and we're still going nowhere fast with manned space. Time to drive that rivet and get with the program. VSE offers a plausible route forward. It's not everything, it's not perfect but it's something and it's better than what has come before.
But move forward, too. Light a candle, yes. But also drive a rivet.