Ya, the armor isn't practical and it won't stop a blaster to the midsection. Like the male armour does ...
Update: Changed the title. That's what I meant it to be in the first place ...
~Hugh Macleod
"You are what you do when it counts"
- Armor, John Steakley
"By 1890 the British had inundated Argentina with an estimated £157 million of investment capital. The great symbol of the new British connection was a burgeoning railroad system . . . most of it in the hands of private British companies — over which were transported 10 million passengers and 5 million tons of cargo. Foreign trade similarly expanded: in 1861 total foreign trade, both imports and exports, was valued at 37 million gold pesos; by 1880 at 104 million, and at more than 250 million by 1889."
"Meanwhile, the nation's population increased from an estimated 1.1 million in 1857 to approximately 3.3 million by 1890. . . . Immigrants arrived in enormous droves: between 1871 and 1914 some 5.9 million newcomers, of whom 3.1 million stayed and settled. Altogether between 1830 and 1950 Argentina absorbed some 10 percent of the total number of immigrants from Europe to the Americas."
"By the outbreak of World War I Argentina had experienced almost twenty years of prodigal expansion. Per capita income equaled that in Germany and the Low Countries, and was higher than in Spain, Italy, Sweden, and Switzerland. Having grown at an average annual rate of 6.5 percent since 1869, Buenos Aires had become the second city of the Atlantic seaboard, after New York, and by far the largest city in Latin America. . . . Except entrepôts like Holland and Belgium, no country in the world imported more goods per capita than Argentina. By 1911, Argentina's foreign trade was larger than Canada's and a quarter of that of the United States."
The Argentineans had proven Adam Smith correct. By using their constitution to strictly limit the power of their government to interfere with their economic activities, the result was one of the most prosperous periods people had ever experienced.
A study by the economic-consulting firm Global Insight found that from 1985 to 2004, Wal-Mart's expansion lowered the consumer price index by a cumulative 3.1 percent from what it would have been. That produced savings of $263 billion in 2004, equal to $2,329 for each U.S. household.
New Orleans was doomed with or without Katrina, we just didn't know it. A good high tide puts more water in the canal than this. As the video shows, the water was barely higher than normal levels. The walls could have failed on a decent high tide.
From the looks of the video the fact the wall failed when Katrina was approaching was really coincidence. Yes, Katrina was the "final straw" but so could any winds from the southeast. Or any given winter storm. (we often get winds out the south that "stack" the lake far higher than this.) Indeed these same walls held much higher surges in the past; that is, before they were undermined by seeping water for a year.
Ironically the same flawed walls are incrementally safer now. We'll never have water seeping under them for a year and nobody doing anything. The flaw(s) is still there but now we can compensate for it more effectively. The right answer, of course, is to replace them.
What I will say next will probably completely throw you. Katrina saved probably over 50,000 lives.
Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is being made to watch his appearance in cult cartoon South Park while he is behind bars.
Ravi and Sonia continue their summer vacation and take a spin around the Bremerton, WA area with the creator of the LiftPort Group, Michael Laine, who gives an update on the development of the space elevator.
Yes -- space elevator.
- Comic booksWere found next to the briefcase. That eliminated the con attendees because we would have known better than to leave the dice or the comics.
- Some really keen 20-sided dice
- Props for a live-reading of Knights of the Dinner Table
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - FRIGEON, August 24, 2006/Plutonic News via Deep Space Net/ -- /The High Council of the Union of Plutonic States notes with the greatest disappointment that the inhabitants of the third rock from the Sun, otherwise known as Earth, have unilaterally declared that Pluto is no longer a planet.
"It is very odd that a group of university professors a billion klurchniks from here would presume to change the status of our home planet" said High Council General Convener Blanpik Vogonj. "Nothing is any different here, in spite of their unfortunate action."
Click here for full press release. . . let's face it, without the intervention of studio bosses, marketers, and investors, Hollywood would not be the cultural force that it is. More particularly, most films would look like Shyamalan's Lady in the Water, by Edelstein's account an act of self indulgence the first studio wisely abandoned by Disney.We loose Rambo and Arnold but gain Girard Depardieu and Jerry Lewis. Sacre Bleu, non!
. . . with the intervention of business, the world of movie making might be a lot more like film making in Paris, and for that matter, American culture a lot more like French culture. (And one shudders, absolutely shudders, to imagine this. We would all eat, dress, and vacation much better than we do...and American culture would be a pale shadow of its present self.)
American culture is criticized for its impermanence, its "disposable" products. But therein lies its strength. All previous cultures sought ideal achievement which, once reached, might endure in static perfection. American culture is not about the end, but the means, the dynamic process that creates, destroys, and creates anew. If our works are transient, then so are life's greatest gifts--passion, beauty, the quality of light on a winter afternoon, even life itself. American culture is alive.
My name is Kaiwen Gu, I am a member of the Bellevue High School robotics club (In Bellevue, Washington). We are a group of diverse high school students who meet multiple times a week to learn about engineering and to work on problems involving technology. One of our biggest endeavors is the FIRST Robotics Competition, at which we have six weeks to build a fully functional robot to compete against other teams in complex challenges. Last year, we were ranked 5th out of 46 teams, and received the coveted General Motors Industrial Design Award.They're looking for corporate donations and machine shop space (what, high schools don't have shop space?). We're not able to provide a donation, but we're spreading the good word about a good cause in our neighborhood.
Currently, we are running purely on donations to support the club. We need your support to keep this club running for this year and to be able to attend the FIRST robotics competition. Without your help, we will be unable to attend this event and this would be horribly disappointing to the many students who put their hearts and souls into this organization.
- Space elevator loses research funding in favor of the much less complicated space staircase.
- The particle accelerator at Brookhaven National Lab is being converted to a totally bitchin’ roller derby rink.
- Prayer-based WiFi.
- FDA approves cancer-curing mittens.
- 78% of Americans amazed to learn that there is no Nobel Prize for Wheelies.
- Tostitos Restaruant Style with a Hint of Lime presents: NASA.
- President Bush repeatedly mispronounces “scientists” as “scientits.” Nobody corrects him.
- Cancer-curing mittens recalled after people start eating them.
On the night of July 23, 2006, an Israeli aircraft intentionally fired missiles at and struck two Lebanese Red Cross ambulances performing rescue operations, causing huge explosions that injured everyone inside the vehicles. Or so says the global media, including Time magazine, the BBC, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and thousands of other outlets around the world. If true, the incident would have been an egregious and indefensible violation of the Geneva Convention, and would constitute a war crime committed by the state of Israel.
But there's one problem: It never happened.
When I first went to Rapa Nui to conduct archaeological research, I expected to help confirm this story. Instead, I found evidence that just didn't fit the underlying timeline. As I looked more closely at data from earlier archaeological excavations and at some similar work on other Pacific islands, I realized that much of what was claimed about Rapa Nui's prehistory was speculation. I am now convinced that self-induced environmental collapse simply does not explain the fall of the Rapanui.
"Popeye the Sailor Man"
Copyright 1933, by Sammy Lerner
I'm Popeye the sailorman,
I'm Popeye the sailorman,
I'm strong to the finich, 'cause I eats my spinach,
I'm Popeye the sailorman.
I'm one tough Gazookas which hates all palookas
Who ain't on the ups and square
I biffs and I bops 'em, and always outroughs 'em
But none of them gets nowhere
If anyone dasses to risk me fisks
It's bops and its wham... understand
So keep good behav'our, that's your one life-saver
With Popeye the Sailor Man
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man
Popeye the Sailor Man
I'm strong to the finich, 'cause I eats my spinach,
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man
I made and learned from lots of mistakes. In the end, the key is willpower. It's just really hard work to make sure you can keep paying the bills. But I do think one can have too much respect for bank managers.Amen. I don't think this means you have to be deadly-dull serious (clearly Sir Richard is not) 24x7. Is it possible to have fun _and_ fight fight fight to survive? We'll find out.
When we entered the airline business, the very first plane Boeing sent over to us ran into a bunch of birds and lost an engine. Because it hadn't been delivered yet, the insurance didn't cover that, so we were $1.5 million down before we flew our first flight, which took the whole Virgin Group beyond its overdraft facility.
Two days later, as I returned from the inaugural flight, our bank manager was sitting on my doorstep and telling me that he's going to foreclose on the whole business if we don't get the money in by Monday - and that was a Friday.
So I had to scurry around like mad over the weekend to try to get enough money to cover what I owed, which I just managed to do. For most people, bank managers are a bit like doctors - they never leave them because they have too much respect for them.
By daring to be disrespectful, we went from having a $5 million overdraft facility to having a $40 million overdraft facility with a different bank by the end of that week. Where one bank was willing to ruin us based on the assets we had, another bank was willing to give us more credit.
There is a very, very thin dividing line between survival and failure. You've just got to fight and fight and fight and fight to survive.
While AT&T may have shown some Business Week author a IPTV demo to pitch him on what the company is doing in the consumer services market, the company has by no means abandoned R&D. AT&T Labs is still open, and it still has multiple active research programs. In particular, AT&T researchers are working in the areas of voice recognition, network traffic analysis and shaping, the use of graphics processing units for nongraphics DSP algorithms, data mining, information security, wireless networking, and the list goes on (and on and on). The lab remains one of the largest and most productive in the country, in spite of numerous high-profile splits over the years and quite a bit of downsizing.
The real problem is that what AT&T is doing today is not your grandfather's R&D, and neither is the work coming out of Google's labs, or Microsoft's, or the labs of any of the other information economy wunderkinds.
On rare days we’ll receive messages that roundhouse kick us right in the moneymaker with their awesomeness. Today is one of those days.Lesson (re)learned. Don't say anything on a recorded message you'd feel foolish over if it were published in the New York Times. Or across the internets.
These voicemails contain pretty tough language and are definitely not work-or-child-safe.
We’ve bleeped out phone numbers and email addresses to protect the enraged…(I didn’t have a microphone handy so I did my bleeping through the business end of a pair of cheap headphones.)
Angry Voicemail Part 1 - 144k .wav file
Wow! That guy’s really really mad! He gets as angry about spam as I did in oh, say, 1996.
Maybe all that threatening and yelling weighed heavily on his soul. It must have, because he called us back half an hour later, making sure to stress that he’s going to take us on LEGALLY. He’s going to kick our a$$ LEGALLY:
Angry Voicemail Part 2 - 478k, .wav
Hissy-fit notwithstanding, if there are spammers on our network we want to know about them! We did check out the email address he mentioned and it didn’t appear to be running afoul of our tough anti-spam policy. We’re pretty sure he was just on the receiving end of a few bounced messages with forged headers. And no, we didn’t call him back. As a general rule we don’t return abusive emails or phone messages.
Jefferson never wore a uniform in his life; Jackson was an excellent general who achieved national fame for his smashing victory over the British at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. (It was, however, a militarily inconsequential victory, as the peace treaty had already been signed.) Most of all, Jefferson had been born rich and was cavailier, at best, about money. Jackson had been born very poor.
It is in the nature of science that every new discovery or piece of data leaves you with yet more mysteries to solve, and cosmology is no exception to the rule.
The thing is, too many of my fellow Americans aren’t willing to do this anymore — they don’t want any blood on their hands, messing up their fine opinion of themselves. They’d rather let the country slide into the darkness of decadence and slow disintegration than do anything that even threatens to give them bad feelings about themselves. The fact that they don’t believe that we can ever slide into the darkness of decadence and slow disintegration is part of their disease. It’s become all about the self-regard now. I’ll illustrate this with something that will at first seem rather unrelated. Weeks or months ago on some blog somewhere there was a discussion of tattoos, and an argument ensued between the people who were into tattoos and the people who were of the opinion that tattooing was a dubious if not immoral activity. The usual accusations of “lowlife!” and “puritan!” got bandied about, but what struck me was the comment of one woman who, concerning her own attitude towards tattoos (she liked them, and had some), stated “I’m a good person.” It occurred to me that this simple sentence was the perfect illustration of what has gone wrong in Western culture over the decades.
First Hour: Bigelow Aerospace founder Robert Bigelow will discuss space exploration.
Aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults will reveal the latest advancements in AI, virtual reality, and the dark side of nanotechnology.
They sided with Bush, and for that, they may never enter the promised land.and
P.S. Republicans -- sorry to leave you out of this letter. It's just that our side has a little housecleaning to do. We'll take care of you this November.He sounds like a college freshman, high on winning some intramural spat at the school senate over a position that people will neither care, nor know anything about in ten years. "Ya, BITE ME you loosers - we WILL have organic coffee in the union. Nyahhhh."
Science Fiction and Fantasy author John C. Wright went to town with our last Brain Parade question. We hope this vision of the future doesn’t come to pass as it would pretty much wreck the planet but at least it’ll get wrecked in an amusing way.
Just in case you missed it here’s the question we put to John:
We apologize for the inconvenience, but the planet Earth is scheduled for alien invasion. Your species’ custom is important to us. Please leave a message at the tone indicating your preferred choice of alien invader and why.
Invasion by the Ferengi of STAR TREK NEXT GEN is next on my request list of wimpy, dorky invaders. The super evil evilness of the Ferengi consists of the fact that they are (gasp of horror, please) Yankee Traders. (This phrase is used twice by Lt. Data when they are first introduced). Getting Ferengied by the Ferengi is about like being robbed by a Robber Baron: in other words, a guy comes up to you and sells you something you want, like oil, steel, or computer software. He does it again and again until your economy is humming and you are rich. Then you complain about what a bum he is. It is true that they might try to sell you shabby goods. Caveat emptor.
The following event was broadcast "live" to the public on NASA Select TV channel, available to many cable and dish TV customers in North America. On Flight Day 5, at 8:43 PM CDT the evening of 8 July (1:43 9 July GMT ) 2006, Discovery and ISSy were cruising high above Brazil. The INCO had the low-light black & white camera in Discovery's payload bay pointing to the west. In view were the western Amazon basin, as well as the Andes Mountains of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. The crew were in their sleep period when all of this took place.Now we know why NASA-TV is so boring. So when those shockingly inept aliens screw the pooch and show themselves on TV - no one will be watching.
Several hundred miles/kilometers below, active thunder storms could be seen, and lightning was flashing randomly. It was then that SOMETHING very weird was seen moving under the cloud deck below. Subsequently, this object emerged from the clouds at very high speed, and appeared to shoot off into space to the east!
Due to the fact that the Shuttle/Station Complex was orbiting in excess of 220 miles (350km) above the Earth, this object MUST have been MANY MILES/KILOMETERS in diameter! This is one of the rare cases in which we DO have a frame of reference to judge the actual distance of the anomaly. This because the object rose FROM the clouds far beneath Discovery's camera.
He (Ace) goes a little farther than I’m willing to right now. [Oops. No he doesn’t. He goes further. Sorry, folks.] He says that this is an example of “willful blindness approaching connivance with co-conspirators.” If this were a competent forgery, one that would pass even the most cursory of sniff tests, I might agree with him. But it’s so obviously doctored, even to an inexperienced eye, that anybody who thought this photo would slip through unnoticed would have to be both malicious and incompetent. Malicious to want to participate in a fraud, incompetent to think that this scheme could ever work.
Maverick, K9, Global Security, Bentonville, Ark.Explosive-sniffing dogs. Who knew? Handsome dog.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Explosive-sniffing dog. Pretty sweet deal, huh? Sniff a little this-and-that in the morning, then pass a lazy afternoon chasing tennis balls and napping in the sun. Well, it's not as easy as you think. It's hard work, man. It's tough being me.
I'm Maverick. And I work for Wal-Mart.
In the shorter term, LiftPort has been casting around for ways to apply the technological building blocks of the space elevator scheme to more grounded pursuits. Laine said his company already has a client for the technology: Lightspeed Broadband, a wireless Internet access provider based in Port Angeles, Wash.To harken to another pop reference . .."These guys are actually going to pay for this system now, under development," Laine said.
Lightspeed's president, Jamie Aggen, told MSNBC.com that his fledgling company hoped to use balloon-lofted signal relays to weave meshes of wireless Internet and voice-over-Internet services — initially across the Kitsap Peninsula, and eventually in other areas as well. Aggen said the system also could be used to facilitate "quick, early response to disaster areas," with last year's Hurricane Katrina devastation serving as a prime example.
Aggen said that Lightspeed currently has fewer than 200 subscribers in western Washington for its antenna-based wireless broadband services. But he shared Laine's hope that the technology currently being tested would set the stage for the company's expansion.
"He has a vision of going to space, and now we have a vision of deploying telecom," Aggen said. "We think it's totally achievable."
So he picks up the boy and carries him through the compound, down semicollapsed hallways and over settling rubble-heaps and between dead Nipponese boys to that big staircase, and shows him the giant slabs of granite, tells how they were laid, one on top of the next, year by year, as the galleons full of silver came from Acapulco. Doug M. Shaftoe has been playing with blocks, so he zeroes in on the basic concept right away. Dad carries son up and down the stairway a few times. They stand at the bottom and look up at it. The block analogy has struck deep. Without any prompting, Doug M. raises both arms over his head and hollers "Soooo big" and the sound echoes up and down the stairs. Bobby wants to explain to the boy that this is how it’s done, you pile one thing on top of the next and you keep it up and keep it up—sometimes the galleon sinks in a typhoon, you don’t get your slab of granite that year—but you stick with it and eventually you end up with something sooo big.It might end in tears or it might end with a something sooo big - but this is the way you do it.
"Big Dig firm calls warning a fake"
…A Big Dig construction company denied yesterday receiving a memorandum that a safety officer said he wrote in 1999 warning that the Interstate 90 connector ceiling could collapse and said the document appeared to be fabricated.
The statement issued by Modern Continental Construction Co. is the company’s first public comment since a story appeared in The Boston Globe last Wednesday describing the document and the account of safety officer John J. Keaveney, who said he expressed grave concern about the epoxy-and-bolt ceiling system in May 1999…
documents indicate, for example, that workers did not begin drilling holes into the roof of the connector tunnel until June 10, 1999, so Keaveney could not have observed, as the memo states, that there was water dripping from the drilled holes in May. In addition, according to company documents, invoices for building materials mentioned in the memo indicate the materials were not delivered until July.
Modern Continental also provided the investigators from the state attorney general’s office with samples of the company’s letterheads, which differ slightly from the letterhead on the memo Keaveney asserts he wrote…