I know a guy who thought about passenger checkpoints at the airport for a few seconds, figured out a way to sneak a pistol on board an airplane. It involved a small pistol, a pipe stem, a pocket protector, mis-direction at the right time.
He could have saved the skull-sweat. All you need to do is to shove a pistol in a carry on, assume an innocent expression, and you're in, slick as snot.
TSA. We haven't caught a terrorist yet. But we will. Real Soon Now.

The bawdy captions write themselves.
Pic from Daphne.
He could have saved the skull-sweat. All you need to do is to shove a pistol in a carry on, assume an innocent expression, and you're in, slick as snot.
Farid Seif, a Houston businessman, usually carries the weapon around for protection. He didn't realize he had kept the glock in his carry-on computer bag until he was mid-flight. Once he landed, he immediately reported the incident.
TSA. We haven't caught a terrorist yet. But we will. Real Soon Now.

The bawdy captions write themselves.
Pic from Daphne.