Sunday, July 09, 2006

A hunger strike by the effete bozos among us

What's that?
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan began a hunger strike on Tuesday – and Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn and other stars are joining her in her "Troops Home Fast" protest.
Excellent - joining a long tradition. Ghandi for one. PIRA and INLA prisoners survived for 46 to 73 days on water and salt. You might or might not like their politics but 46 days on water and salt .. that's hardcore. 73 days is an awesome testement to what the human animal can do with motivation. You can respect that kind of determination.
"Everything we do is to get the troops to come home," she told PEOPLE outside the White House on Tuesday. "We want to show the world that there are Americans who are committed to peace. Fasting is such a time-honored way of protest."
Indeed. Cindy Sheehan is going to fast from July 4th to September 1st. Two months-ish. You can respect that kind of determination .. oh wait.
(Susan) Sarandon, Penn, Danny Glover, Willie Nelson and the Rev. Al Sharpton will join communities across America on a "rolling fast," giving up food on designated days and encouraging others to fast with them on those days.

So far, more than 3,000 people from the U.S. and 18 other countries have signed up to join the fast.
A what? A "rolling fast" where you just don't eat for a day and then pass it on? Look at the defintion of a 'hunger strike' in Wiki:
A hunger strike is a method of non-violent resistance in which participants fast as an act of political protest or to achieve a goal such as a policy change.
In other words ... you gotta put something on the table. Stand up for something - put yourself at risk.

Ask Ghandi. Ask those nine hard-core motherfuckers on the H-Blocks in Long Kesh what a hunger strike is about.

Rolling Hunger Strike. That's not a hunger strike; that is a fucking diet. .


Mark Steyn does a much better job of snarking on these effete bozos than I do.