Friday, July 07, 2006

That's a first for me

I've had the cops come by because of loud dogs. Now I've had the cops come by because of loud children. This is a first for me.

Youngest Child jammed his thumb, wrestling in the yard. Screamed like a banshee - it hurt, that's what kids do. He took his cookie (a cookie cures most sniffles and booboos) and went outside, still sniffing a bit. Older son and his friend then jollied him out of his sniffs by screaming, yelling and running around - and around - and around - the house. They were being loud, I admit. But it is summer, it's just turned 9:00 p.m. - this is what kids do.

The cops came by asking about the noise. A concerned neighbor called worried that something was amiss.

I wonder which one it was and why he couldn't just walk over. I don't look like a Harley-riding thug, I don't open carry firearms and I am not a physically imposing looking male. Do they know I'm from Texas and think I might harbor a grudge against Yankees? What the hell?
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