The only moon landing in history is NASA's Apollo expedition in 1968.
AFP .. you guys have a serious problem.
Subject Hat Tip
Cross Posted to The Daily Brief.
~Hugh Macleod
"You are what you do when it counts"
- Armor, John Steakley
The only moon landing in history is NASA's Apollo expedition in 1968.
Feel free to go that vinculum to LiftPort - the Space Elevator Companies; I muscle sector-mote as their integrate admin. It might be a hopeless doomed effort but .. what are you doing to knock off the globe a better plank?Look familiar? Interesting wrinkle in the spam blog business.
50.YFN is shared world speculative fiction, showcasing creative visions of our world fifty years from now.Shared world implies that creators are expected to read each other's work and respect that they all take place in the same world. My Brooklyn is your Brooklyn, and if that's where you want your story to take place, then you have to work within my Brooklyn's rules. Whose Brooklyn is it? Whoever writes it first. Stories build off each other, intertwine, become a greater tapestry. Writers can absolutely collaborate. But they may not contradict or copy each other.
Speculative fiction means NOT 'SCIFI'. No f*cking phasers or transporters or lightsabers or USS Maxipad of the United Enema of Planets or web-eared green Buddha midgets. Also? Nothing off-world. This is all Earth-bound. Save that Roddenberry sh*t for Sci Fi Channel.
"The first time you get blown up by an IED, you're like, Dude, this is badass! but after that you're like, This really is not cool at all anymore. But riding out there, getting shot at, shooting back -- that doesn't get old."It's more than just having bad-ass soldiers. Alison didn't get that attitude from the Army - she carried it there from the civilian world. The Army merely honed it to a fine edge and gave it direction.
To the Editor:
The reference to Enrico Fermi in your conversation with the physicist Gino Segre (“In the Footsteps of His Uncle, Then His Father,” Aug. 14) reminded me of an equally interesting conversation I had 35 years ago with Fermi’s widow, Laura. Knowing that the scientists were sworn to secrecy, I asked her what she thought was happening during those three years.
Her answer: “To tell you the truth, I was so happy not to hear anything about physics for three years that I never gave it a thought.”
Harold Ticktin
Shaker Heights, Ohio
briandunbar_natasha-2_~/rails/cookbook2:rake test_units
(in /Users/briandunbar/rails/cookbook2)
Finished in 0.344615 seconds.
16 tests, 34 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
Some time ago, I made a humorous throwaway observation that Democrats didn’t believe in individual freedom of choice except in matters pertaining to sexuality.
At the time, I thought the statement a mere comedic exaggeration. As a libertarian, I consider each political ideology a mixed bag. Each political group gives freedom with one hand and takes it away with the other. I assumed that a little honest examination of all the Left’s policy positions would quickly reveal many areas completely unrelated to sex in which the Left advocated letting individuals make the decisions about what or what not to do.
However, to my disquiet, I cannot think of a single one! I honestly cannot think of a single non-sexual area in which the contemporary Left advocates letting individuals decide what or what not to do.
Can anyone else? I’m really serious about this. If you can think of an area please say so. If you can’t, ask around your leftist friends and contact me at
Atkins said he had also hoped that the study would give him a greater understanding of those who occupy a lower socioeconomic strata than himself, and vice-versa.
"This project, in theory, afforded an upper-middle-class academic like myself the opportunity to build bridges with those of a culturally dissimilar background, enabling both me and them to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the other's unique perspectives and experiences," he said. "Nope. Didn't happen. I did, however, have a lot of empty bottles thrown at me through missing windows."
I wanna be like Osama
I wanna wear designer clothes beneath a robe
While my lackeys loom like vultures, I’ll declare a clash of cultures,
Kill civilians by the millions round the globe
Grow a beard down to my navel, conquer YouTube, get on cable,
And be wealthier than any man I know
Please make me like Osama B.
With an Al Jazeera Show!
"It's Futura Extra Bold," explains Tony. "It was Stanley's favourite typeface. It's sans serif. He liked Helvetica and Univers, too. Clean and elegant."
"Is this the kind of thing you and Kubrick used to discuss?" I ask.
"God, yes," says Tony. "Sometimes late into the night. I was always trying to persuade him to turn away from them. But he was wedded to his sans serifs."
Sun is blessed to have built two of the best known brands on the internet. The Java brand, and OpenOffice (and its cousin, StarOffice).Dude. Sun sells hardware. It's what you do. Y'all write software so we have a reason to spend big bucks on the hardware. We're not filling data centers with racks and racks of Sun branded servers because of Java or OpenOffice. We're filling data centers with racks and racks of Sun hardware because the machines are solid, they scale and Solaris is a terrific operating system.
In August 2006, I conducted some Free Ruby Lessons on the net. Peter Cooper the author of Beginning Ruby wrote a small note on his Ruby Inside blog and over 100+ would-be Ruby developers registered and learned Ruby along with me. These lessons culminated into my RubyLearning site and my Ruby Study Notes eBook.
Even today, I keep getting a lot of emails to re-start these lessons and to encourage you all, I have decided to do so.
Here’s the plan:
President Bush can fail in his duty to himself, his country, and his God, by becoming “ex-president” Bush or he can become “President-for-Life” Bush: the conqueror of Iraq, who brings sense to the Congress and sanity to the Supreme Court. Then who would be able to stop Bush from emulating Augustus Caesar and becoming ruler of the world? For only an America united under one ruler has the power to save humanity from the threat of a new Dark Age wrought by terrorists armed with nuclear weapons. - Philip Atkinson, neo-crazy author.Gag.
Up and abroad, doing very many errands to my great content which lay as burdens upon my mind and memory. Home to dinner, and so to White Hall, setting down my wife at her father’s, and I to the Tangier Committee, where several businesses I did to my mind, and with hopes thereby to get something. So to Westminster Hall, where by appointment I had made I met with Dr. Tom Pepys, but avoided all discourse of difference with him, though much against my will, and he like a doating coxcomb as he is, said he could not but demand his money, and that he would have his right, and that let all anger be forgot, and such sorry stuff, nothing to my mind, but only I obtained this satisfaction, that he told me about Sturbridge last was 12 months or 2 years he was at Brampton, and there my father did tell him that what he had done for my brother in giving him his goods and setting him up as he had done was upon condition that he should give my brother John 20l. per ann., which he charged upon my father, he tells me in answer, as a great deal of hard measure that he should expect that with him that had a brother so able as I am to do that for him. This is all that he says he can say as to my father’s acknowledging that he had given Tom his goods. He says his brother Roger will take his oath that my father hath given him thanks for his counsel for his giving of Tom his goods and setting him up in the manner that he hath done, but the former part of this he did not speak fully so bad nor as certain what he could say. So we walked together to my cozen Joyce’s, where my wife staid for me, and then I home and her by coach, and so to my office, then to supper and to bed.
or the day before
the people who do r money
called to say DO NOT WORRY
which sent us into a panic
up down red black wtfmoney makes the world go around
the world go around
the worldtonight dinner in so beach
a very gay city
kel and i
in r pt cruiser - top downwe had just finished eating
about to head home
2 2 many people
came a bald screaming infuriated man
it’s always a man
i tell yai stood next to his hog
when kel backed out
so as not to hit it
i rideas i buckled my belt
he ran towards r car
“MY MOTORCYCLE BLAH BLAH !!!”“chill dude -
we didn’t touch it”
his eyes were wild
stretched open widehe got madder
pupils big - snorting like a dragon
he screamedthe trump card
alwaysand we r supposed to cower
to fall 2 r knees ashamed
not good enough
unworthynot tonight
mr bald muscle man
with a pimped out hog
not tonighti stood up in the front seat
hands above my head
smiled and yelled
If economics can tell us something useful about crime, marriage, or carpooling—as I believe it can—then other academic disciplines should have something to tell us about economies. Last month, Science published an example that may turn out to be important. Two physicists, Cesar Hidalgo and Albert-László Barabási, and two economists, Bailey Klinger and Ricardo Hausmann, have been drawing unusual pictures of economic "space" that promise a deeper understanding of the biggest question in economics: why poor countries are poor.
The Marines with me - I took one look at them and I said, "Well this war was won." They were kids, oh, I would say from 18 to 22, none of them were older. They were the calmest people I have ever seen. They were up there popping away with rifles [Marines at that time were armed with bolt-action M1903 .30-caliber rifles], having a swell time and none of them were alarmed. I mean the thing [a Japanese bomb] would drop through, they would laugh and say "My God that one was close." I figured then, "Well, if these kids are American kids, I mean this war is practically won."
I was really amazed, I thought that some kids, one or two would get scared, but no, they were, they were having a time of their lives. Each one of the eight claimed he had brought down a [Japanese] plane with rifle fire. They certainly fired enough at them, they had a good time. Of the 18 [Japanese bombs] dropped around the power house, one finally grazed the corner off and filled the place full of smoke and that caused these kids to start looking for me. They came in and bandaged me up and said, "Don't go near that Navy doctor, we will take care of you, this guy over here, Jones, is a swell doctor." Talking right under fire like that, it was very interesting.
The Alliance to Rescue Civilization (ARC) was first conceived by Robert Shapiro in his book Planetary Dreams: The Quest to Discover Life Beyond Earth (Wiley 1999). Shapiro's close colleague at New York University, William E. Burrows immediately saw the wisdom of ARC and became the leading proponent of the idea.
This website was designed to allow those who share Shapiro's and Burrows' vision to exchange information and ideas that will advance this important mission. Please review these pages. Be part of this effort by contributing relevant links and papers, providing financial support, and volunteering your expertise. Join this effort to help focus the human space program on its most important purpose, human survival.
My wife guffawed and gave me such a look after she read this.
That’s how you know you have a good woman. She doesn’t do stuff you might not like without letting you know first. Communication is key to a successful marriage!wife’s … always said to me that, were I to cheat, she would not kill me in my sleep, she would wake me the second before she plunged the knife in.
One would like to think that such exists in America, but so far I have no evidence to support the assumption. We do have resumes from people who are qualified, but none is a U.S. citizen, or holds a "Green Card." We can't hire foreigners. The U.S. State Department says what we do comes under ITAR, so we cannot hire qualified non-citizen engineers, neither can we sell our products to anyone who is not a U.S. citizen or entity. I just this morning had to turn down a job from a Brit who wants to set a world record with one of our engines. That is several million dollars in revenue that will now not come to the U.S.
But that's beside the point at this moment. XCOR needs to find someone who has some experience with trans-sonic and supersonic design. I have written to and called many schools, colleges and universities. Crickets chirping. With a single exception, the University of Maryland, not one professor or teacher or college or university has returned a query. I understand that they graduate students, but apparently helping them find jobs is beyond the academic ken.
For the past year I have placed ads everywhere: Av Week, ASME, SAE, all the alphabet organizations and associations remotely connected with aerodynamics. The result: resumes for everything _but_ an aerodynamicist. I have engaged three head hunters, several job shops and other professional recruiting organizations. The score so far: 0.
Thanks, I think Jerry noted that we are also seeking gray haired people too. :-) Over forty, over fifty, over sixty all welcome here! We have been actively looking for someone with considerable experience. The results: "I don't want to move again." "I have family and they are happy where we are." "I've taken up another vocation." "I haven't done anything except theoretical stuff for 20 years." "Hmmm, I guess I shouldn't have switched to (name a different discipline)." Tjose are quotes, and I am not making this stuff up. I don't have time to play mind games with folks.
My frustration level is beyond my ability to articulate. I'm not mad at anyone, but throughly sad that pioneers are so difficult to locate, and that most of those who are, aren't allowed to work here. One poor Russian rocket engineer is driving a cab in Canada because he can't be hired by a U.S. company. That's a criminal waste of talent.
Sorry, didn't mean to rant. Thanks for the thoughts. We really do want someone with experience and ability, and they can be 20 or 80 and we won't care.
"I hear from so many people that realize that they're just invisible to their government ... but they won't be invisible to me."
"I'd like to see you tell an environmentalist that you're going to solve global warming by setting off a nuke in Yellowstone."
An elderly Iraqi woman shows two bullets which she says hit her house following an early coalition forces raid in the predominantly Shiite Baghdad suburb of Sadr City.
All personal differences set to the side
because right now there was no time to decide which state building the Confederate flag should fly over, and which trimester the embryo is considered alive,
or on our monetary units, and which God we should confide.
You see, someone attempted to choke the voice
of the one who gave us the right for choice,
and now she was callin.
And somebody had to answer.
Who was going to answer?
Hearing about these (new TSA) rules got me thinking about what I would do to maximize terror if I were a terrorist with limited resources. I’d start by thinking about what really inspires fear. One thing that scares people is the thought that they could be a victim of an attack. With that in mind, I’d want to do something that everybody thinks might be directed at them, even if the individual probability of harm is very low. Humans tend to overestimate small probabilities, so the fear generated by an act of terrorism is greatly disproportionate to the actual risk.Comments on the post are closed, alas. I think this is a good idea.
Also, I’d want to create the feeling that an army of terrorists exists, which I’d accomplish by pulling off multiple attacks at once, and then following them up with more shortly thereafter.
Third, unless terrorists always insist on suicide missions (which I can’t imagine they would), it would be optimal to hatch a plan in which your terrorists aren’t killed or caught in the act, if possible.
Fourth, I think it makes sense to try to stop commerce, since a commerce breakdown gives people more free time to think about how scared they are.
Fifth, if you really want to impose pain on the U.S., the act has to be something that prompts the government to pass a bundle of very costly laws that stay in place long after they have served their purpose (assuming they had a purpose in the first place).
My general view of the world is that simpler is better. My guess is that this thinking applies to terrorism as well. In that spirit, the best terrorist plan I have heard is one that my father thought up after the D.C. snipers created havoc in 2002. The basic idea is to arm 20 terrorists with rifles and cars, and arrange to have them begin shooting randomly at pre-set times all across the country.
I’m sure many readers have far better ideas. I would love to hear them.
At one point the tester showed Samantha four pictures - a giraffe, an elephant, a monkey, and a lion. She asked Sam to name the group to which they all belonged. "Animals" was the expected answer. Samantha immediately said "mammals." The tester almost corrected her, thought a second, then laughed.
After taping them under the table, Greg ran back into the woods and set up the tripod. He waited forty minutes, then a family showed up.Click the link above to read more.
The traveling show has landed on my little blog for week 15. Please check out all the acts.
There are a number of things wrong with the typical method of presenting data. For starters, this presentation could bore even the most hardened Starfleet manager (CEO). The typical corporate PowerPoint slide design is obnoxious and does not leave room for information, the charts are redundant, even unnecessary, and it does not do a good job of communicating the information or the analysis.
Submissions for the Carnival of Space are due to: by 6:00 PM (PST) on the Wednesday evening of the week. It will be appreciated if the submissions come in earlier. The carnival will be posted on Thursday. Please send the following information:
Title of Post
URL of Post
Name of Blog
URL of Blog
Brief summary of the post
If you haven’t read any blog carnivals before, please read What is a Blog Carnival.
Here are the expectations for carnival participants.
Iran has begun industrial-scale production of its first domestically manufactured fighter jet, state-run television reported Monday, part of Tehran's efforts to become militarily self-sufficient.
The plane was first tested in 2006 and was derived from the reverse engineered components of U.S. combat aircraft.
"The airplane, Azarakhsh, was made by Iranian experts, and it has already reached the industrial production stage," the television quoted Iran's defense minister, Mostafa Mohammad Najjar, as saying.
Fox News mis-spelled target as 'fighter jet' and 'Azarakhsh'.
We got the following comment on Bureaucracy may destroy the public school system.Anonymous said...
Homeschooling does not allow for all students' needs. Lets get real. Only parents who can afford to stay home all day can afford to home school. Also, parents who are academically challenged cannot effectively homes school their own children.
If a parent wishes to home school they make the choice on their own. To constantly criticize public schools will not help poor performing schools. It seems as though all home school educators do is surf the web in search of public school horror stories.
If you have all day to sit at home and have your kids work on worksheets or drill and kill on the computer, take time to work with the public schools and make them better. You see public schools belong to the public and their successes or failures also belong to the public at large. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Frick: Any (presidential) candidate who does not support Universal Health Care is dead in the water.
Frack: You want the same guys that brought us Iraq to be in charge of your health?
Frck: Well we don't want Bush and Chaney in charge of our health ...
Cian wanted to change books when he saw this really awesome rhyming book about a Wizard. Wow! He didn't want it in addtion to, he said, he would take it instead! I told him that we should just keep the books we had. He simply said, "Okay." and wandered off to his brother.
The lady behind me said "That was easy. Not what I would have expected at all."
I asked, "What would you have expected."
"A crying and screaming fit. Foot stamping and yelling," she replied.
"Oh, well, my kids know better," I said.
"Most don't." She ended and didn't say another word.
And then I thought “I can drag tabs left and right…can I drag a tap to another window?”
Yes, yes I can.
Her: "So what are your politics?"
Me *very drunk*: "You ever watch Mr. Rogers as a kid? Remember how he took complicated shit and boiled it down to simple things like love and honesty? Showed you how the world worked while still radiating an unashamed, fearless idealism? Now give him an AK."