Saturday, May 06, 2006


ISDC is happening right now. I'm not there.

As we speak people are wandering about, making deals, making contacts, making the future. The amount of noise coming back from Los Angeles this weekend feels - from this remove - like it's a important moment. That stuff is happening now that will echo for the next twenty years.

I'm not whining, I'm just commenting. I've missed all of the other Really Big Events in my generation, why not this one?

Just Cause? I was in farging Quantico learing to write COBOL.

Desert Storm? I was in Okinawa. Got the 'I Watched the War on CNN' medal and everything.

Rise of the Internet as chronicled by Wired? I was working in North Carolina, then Dallas, for the electric company and the government. Hell, I was wrong about the internet as well - I was certain that the future was in closed communities like CompuServe.

This must be an Important Event - I'm not there.
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