Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Once in a while you read something that tells you .. the fellow might not know what he is talking about.
From a security perspective, if Microsoft disappeared no one vendor would have a 95 percent market share and worms could not spread as fast. “Heterogeneity is a powerful positive,” says John Pescattore, vice president for Internet security at Gartner.

We would also find out how bad the Linux and Apple vendors are at providing patches, compared to what [customers] got used to from Microsoft,” Pescattore says, adding that Microsoft is much better than Apple and Linux at delivering security patches. “If you keep getting into car accidents, you know how to fix dents.”

I'll let the comment about how "Linux" is worse than Microsoft to release patches stand on it's own.

I have some personel experience with patches from Apple, compared with those from Microsoft. Let us just say that the one is faster and better to release and it ain't the guys from Redmond. My own experience, or do I trust the guy with title from Gartner. Perhaps he was misquoted.
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