Monday, March 24, 2008

Book bleg

I - and about ten others - were employee of the month, last month [1]. My reward is a $25 dollar gift certificate at Amazon.

Now .. what do I get?

Agile Web Development with Rails, 2nd Edition.

The Rails Way (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series).

Advanced Rails.

Deploying Rails Applications: A Step-by-Step Guide.

The Stone Canal.[2]

[1] Yes, go me. I rock. In all due modestly, however, my participation in the event that resulted in this award was minimal and unimportant.

[2] Tossed in as a small joke - a used copy for $1.35 is a no-brainer. How is it that I've read (and re-read) the rest of the books in the Fall sequence but not that one?
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