Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Old Games were Lame

Steven Johnson at Bng Bng about Batltleship, Sorry, Bingo, Candy Land ... all of the Ye Olde Board Games

There’s a consistent theme to all these old-school game introductions: almost without exception, I have been mortified by the pathetic game that I’ve excitedly brought to the kids. Not because they’re made out of cardboard and plastic, instead of 1080p HDMI graphics.  What’s irritating about the games is that they are exercises in sheer randomness. It’s not that they fail to sharpen any useful skills; it’s that they make it literally impossible for a player to acquire any skills at all.

Dude's got a point.  A few weeks ago my daughter pulled out a pirate-themed Life.

I played that game when I was younger.  I liked it a bunch. And that night ... it was horribly boring.  Tedious.  The only thing that was bearable around the table that night was the company: I like my daughter and her husband.

We do have family games that the kids do like.  FluxxChrononautsMunchkin. [1] Chess and checkers are our old school games.  We do games - but we've made a choice that eschews the old crap for fun games.

Not only were the good old days not very good, but they were boring.

[1] I love the tagline for Munchkin: Kill the monsters, steal the treasure, stab your buddy.

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