Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Ties That Do Not Bind: The Decline of Marriage and Loyalty

There is a great deal to agree with in The Ties That Do Not Bind: The Decline of Marriage and Loyalty
Man is a social animal – utterly dependent on forming and maintaining relationships with other people. A person who has always been truly alone is one who will be emotionally dead. Of all of the relationships into which people enter, the family is the most important. We are raised by parents, confronted with siblings, and introduced to peers through our familial roots. Indeed, human character arises out of the very commitments people make to others in their family or outside of it. Marriage, of course, is the supreme form of that commitment. When we make marriage less important, character suffers.
There is a great deal here - some I agree with and some not. It is hard to argue with the premise; character matters and family is important.
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