You might think this was The Onion. But it's not.
Associated Press, I expected as much.
But Fox 11 aka WLUK-TV from Green Bay, Wisconsin? Did no babies die? No murders, no rapes, no child abuse, no arson, no government scandals? The lege is in session down Madison way - surely some of their shenanigans are worth a few lines in place of this parody.

Mike Stouffer, a weekend cook and dishwasher, has had some hard hits in life - abusive childhood, prison time, alcoholism, bad life choices. But a two-page letter he wrote and the simple response he got back has uplifted and motivated him.
"Thanks for the inspiring letter! It means a lot," reads the brief note from President Barack Obama that Stouffer now cherishes like a family heirloom.
Associated Press, I expected as much.
But Fox 11 aka WLUK-TV from Green Bay, Wisconsin? Did no babies die? No murders, no rapes, no child abuse, no arson, no government scandals? The lege is in session down Madison way - surely some of their shenanigans are worth a few lines in place of this parody.