Michael Fay is writing a book about his experiences as a Marine combat artist.
Chapter One ... Last Day
Chapter Two ... Remains of the Day
Suddenly I noticed SSgt V’s own cammie trousers and boots. Though unhurt, he was drenched in blood from hip to toe. The year before he lost a testicle fighting in Fallujah and two weeks prior he received severe flash burns when his vehicle was blown up and incinerated just outside the gate of Al Qaim. Today the blood and pain were that of fellow Marines. This was the only uniform he had. Everything else he owned had been burned up in the blast and flames of the IED. Those blood soaked desert boots would be worn for the rest of this fight and well into his next deployment. The trousers would stay crisp with the blood of fellow Marines until F/2/1 retrograded to Al Asad a week later.

Chapter One ... Last Day
Chapter Two ... Remains of the Day
Suddenly I noticed SSgt V’s own cammie trousers and boots. Though unhurt, he was drenched in blood from hip to toe. The year before he lost a testicle fighting in Fallujah and two weeks prior he received severe flash burns when his vehicle was blown up and incinerated just outside the gate of Al Qaim. Today the blood and pain were that of fellow Marines. This was the only uniform he had. Everything else he owned had been burned up in the blast and flames of the IED. Those blood soaked desert boots would be worn for the rest of this fight and well into his next deployment. The trousers would stay crisp with the blood of fellow Marines until F/2/1 retrograded to Al Asad a week later.