Behold: Soft-shelled tacos. This is how you do it.
- Pre-heat oven to 350 F.
- Mix up the soft-shelled taco goop.
- Pour into the taco shells.
- Lay the shells in a Glad OvenWare baking dish.
- Has it been twenty minutes? Yes? Onward ...
- Pop the Glad OvenWare dish into the oven.
- Watch in amazement as the Glad OvenWare dish vaporizes.
- Open all the windows and flee to the patio.
- Wait two hours for the remains to cool. Spend time looking at the directions for the remaining Glad OvenWare dish to confirm the printed directions: 'Max 400 F' and 'preheat for twenty minutes'.
- Scrape the mess from oven and pitch into the garbage.