Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Head of Steam

Do not get me wound up to do something and then ask me to slow down.



Boss: The new server and it's old application ... is not working - can you prep the old host so we can stand it up and take the new one down?

Me: (checking time - 4:30) Sure, I'll go do that.

Me: (moseys down to the data center, warms up the old host, does a bit of this and that, back at my desk in a few minutes)


Boss: You're ready?

Me: I'm ready.

Boss: Let's do it then. (hangs up)

Me: (Two keystrokes to halt the new server, gets ready to jump up and dash back across the street) ..


Boss: Hey - call me before you halt the server? The legacy process is still working away ..

Me: Oops.

Boss: (radiates gloom and agony over the phone)

Me: I'll turn it back on so the legacy process can finish ...

Boss: (resigned sigh)
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