Greg Boyington was not the kind of man you would want your daughter marrying. Hell raiser, rake, bum - he fit all of those tags and more.
And so? I'd rather buy Colonel Boyington a beer in a dive than sit in the finest establishment and listen to people who earnestly and with an utter failure to understand their own culture spout drivel as quoted in the minutes of their meeting;
Jill. Sweetie pants. The Marine Corps doesn't need UW. But UW could do with just a smidge of the sense of history your average Marine is steeped in.
And so? I'd rather buy Colonel Boyington a beer in a dive than sit in the finest establishment and listen to people who earnestly and with an utter failure to understand their own culture spout drivel as quoted in the minutes of their meeting;
Jill Edwards said she "didn't believe a member of the Marine Corps was an example of the sort of person UW wanted to produce."
Jill. Sweetie pants. The Marine Corps doesn't need UW. But UW could do with just a smidge of the sense of history your average Marine is steeped in.