Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Someone call the waaambulance

Chair Force Engineer spent the day as pee officer . . .
That's right--I had to monitor the random drug tests that the Air Force administers.
That's funny. I don't recall my lieutenants watching me pee into a bottle. I'm pretty sure that was the corpsman's job since you need to have attended months and months of Corpsman school to recognize what is going on down there.  There was an officer involved in the process but he or she was (I recall) doing .. officer stuff. Sitting at a table and signing off on the process if I recall.
It's a known fact that Air Force lieutantants are routinely called upon to perform "shit jobs" that have absolutely nothing to do with your primary duties or your qualifications. Most of my days consist not of "chair force engineering," but buying office supplies, paying Blackberry bills, changing out equipment checklists, begging people to donate to the Combined Federal Campaign, or managing the facilities where I work.
A great deal of everyone's job consists of doing 'other things'; welcome to the Army Air Force But I digress. CFE's prescription?
The Air Force needs less lieutenants and more entry-level, unskilled workers to get the shit jobs done. It doesn't take an aerospace engineering major to make micropurchases or run press releases around the office for signatures. It doesn't even require a high school diploma.
These guys are called enlisted and the Air Force has a scat-load of them running around.

I suspect it's not an 'Air Force' problem but a problem with CFE's command that isn't utilizing their enlisted guys as well as they could be. Some things need an officer to okay - that's the way the game is played. But you have to delegate your tasks to your enlisted guys and trust 'em. Or rather trust your SNCOs.
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