And Armageddon sick of it.

Do you want to defuse some of the hysteria surrounding this particular strain of Type A Influenza? Let’s make fun of it with pig-related names. Here are a few I’ve collected, and a few I’ve contributed …
- Hamthrax
- Hogthrax
- Spamthrax
- Tuporkulosis
- Porklio
- Cowpox oh wait that’s real
- Hogmumps
- The Other Yellow Fever
- Pigfluenza
- Mad Sow Disease
- Sowbola
- Sowmonella
- Spammonella
- Bacon AIDS
- Bacon Fever
- Baconator oh wait that’s at Wendy’s
- Whooping Oink
- Oinking Pneumonia
- Buboinking Pork
For you Star Wars fans:
And the end-of-the-world scenarios for the epidemic?
- The Aporkalypse
- Hognarok