I am learning how to dance. Salsa. With Marissa Garcia and Mike Bassette from Latin Stylz in Oshkosh.
Joe Bob says 'Check 'em out'.
And it is not so bad. I have found out that dance has a lot in common with close order drill.
Well shucks: anyone can learn close order drill.
There are stylized movements. You can execute, say, Move A but only from Position B. Everything happens on a beat. There is a designated leader, and a designated follower.
There are differences: Things move a bit faster. The company is more congenial. And the music sure ain't no 'Semper Fidelis'.

Joe Bob says 'Check 'em out'.
And it is not so bad. I have found out that dance has a lot in common with close order drill.
Well shucks: anyone can learn close order drill.
There are stylized movements. You can execute, say, Move A but only from Position B. Everything happens on a beat. There is a designated leader, and a designated follower.
There are differences: Things move a bit faster. The company is more congenial. And the music sure ain't no 'Semper Fidelis'.