Us: Wow, look at the frizzit - it's off the scale!
Oracle: We suggest you export and import the database on a monthly basis to realign the frim-jams.
For us that's eleven hours of downtime [1]. On a mission critical application. For a company that runs three shifts seven days a week.
The best they could do to prevent a serious problem is ... to take it out of service at regular intervals for eleven hours at a time?
Who can do this in the real world?
[1] It's a huge database.

Oracle: We suggest you export and import the database on a monthly basis to realign the frim-jams.
For us that's eleven hours of downtime [1]. On a mission critical application. For a company that runs three shifts seven days a week.
The best they could do to prevent a serious problem is ... to take it out of service at regular intervals for eleven hours at a time?
Who can do this in the real world?
[1] It's a huge database.