Friday, February 09, 2007

My representative in action

Jo Egelhoff reads these things so we don't have to. And I thank her for it. From her site ..

Here’s one that really got to me. It was the gazillionth time I’d seen this same news report about a grant to purchase Mink River wetlands in Door County. A wonderful project. The articles all said “Congressman Steve Kagen helped secure the $1 million grant” for the Nature Conservancy in Door County to protect pristine wetland.

I’m interested in just what Dr. Kagen had to do with this grant. It was due back in June, 2006 and reviewed during the summer, with final, objective, scoring done sometime in September or October. Typical of these kinds of grants, letters of support were included in the grant packet, including a letter from Representative Mark Green.

Let’s see, when was Representative Kagen sworn in?

After November, 2006 of course. Way to lower our expectations of newly elected government officials, Doc.