These eyes dance in my dreams and delight my days.

~Hugh Macleod
"You are what you do when it counts"
- Armor, John Steakley
briandunbar@natasha ~ %
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“At first, I didn’t feel these Democrats understood how common and damaging to business these marginal discrimination claims were, but then, these Democrats exempted school districts, cities, and counties from the lawsuits.
Sunstein first proposed the notion of imposing mandatory "electronic sidewalks" for the Net. These "sidewalks" would display links to opposing viewpoints. Adam Thierer, senior fellow and director of the Center for Digital Media Freedom at the Progress and Freedom Center, has characterized the proposal as "The Fairness Doctrine for the Internet."
Later, Sunstein rethought his proposal, explaining that it would be "too difficult to regulate [the Internet] in a way that would respond to those concerns." He also acknowledged that it was "almost certainly unconstitutional."
As is so often the case, the story of the blind men and the elephant has a dual version, which is less well-known but (IMHO) equally interesting ...
"the WHO's failed pandemic strategy"
I'm sorry but if you rely on a bunch of ageing rockers to produce a comprehensive pandemic strategy then you deserve all you get.
If it rolls floats or crashes runs on gasoline or high explosives, shoots bullets, makes noise thus producing torque and recoil, it's cool.
Energy crisis, severe recession, now Swine Flu - did someone insert a line of code that said GOTO 1975?
We live in democracies. Rule by the majority. Rule by the people. Fifty per cent of people are below average in intelligence. This explains everything about politics.
Not that we'd want to live in a country ruled only by the best and brightest. That would be too much like being married to Cherie Blair.
So we have to keep supporting democracy. Even when democracy acts up the way it's done in Russia, Pakistan and the American presidential election.
Long term there's only one thing that gives me hope as a right-winger - the left-wing.
It's going to be hard to do a worse job running America than the Republicans did, but the Democrats can do it if anyone can.
I think there’s a good chance that Wyatt will end up as a Marine some day. He’s smart, tough, mechanically inquisitive, likes talking about dead things, guns, and machines … and has absolutely no subtlety what-so-ever.
Now President Obama has named MADD CEO Chuck Hurley to head NHTSA. Drivers, car buyers, and the American public had better brace themselves for a season of neo-Prohibitionist rhetoric, nannyist initiatives, and efforts to criminalize now-lawful conduct. It won’t be pretty.
To translate it into UNIX system administration terms (Randy's fundamental metaphor for just about everything), the post modern, politically correct atheists were like people who had suddenly found themselves in charge of a big and unfathomably complex computer system (viz, society) with no documentation or instructions of any kind, and so whose only way to keep the thing running was to invent and enforce certain rules with a kind of neo Puritanical rigor, because they were at a loss to deal with any deviations from what they saw as the norm. Whereas people who were wired into a church were like UNIX system administrators who, while they might not understand everything, at least had some documentation, some FAQs and How tos and README files, providing some guidance on what to do when things got out of whack. They were, in other words, capable of displaying adaptability.
From Cryptonomicon
At a meeting with executives from four of the nation's largest banks earlier this month, the chief of the government's auto task force, Steven Rattner, delivered a message that shocked some in the room.
To save Chrysler, he told them, the four banks and several other financial firms would have to surrender their claims to most of the $7 billion the automaker owed them. And what would the banks get in return for this sacrifice? Nothing.
People complain that the word "socialist" is being inappropriately used to demonize attempts at restoring economic growth. That may be true in many cases, but how is the label not valid here? Government officials are making decisions about how to direct the means of production. And they are doing so without prior authorization or agreement and with the goal of sustaining employment in undproductive pursuits. What else would you call it?
"Apparently, by enrolling their children a public school, parents give their consent have a gloved hand inserted into their child’s anus."Apparently so. Not my kids however: if you're smart and have the means not yours either.
Cut to the chase. We rich people can’t stop the world’s 5 billion poor people from burning the couple of trillion tons of cheap carbon that they have within easy reach. We can’t even make any durable dent in global emissions—because emissions from the developing world are growing too fast, because the other 80 percent of humanity desperately needs cheap energy, and because we and they are now part of the same global economy. What we can do, if we’re foolish enough, is let carbon worries send our jobs and industries to their shores, making them grow even faster, and their carbon emissions faster still.
From Brian, a Darth Vader quote:
I turn on Ingrid Michaelson and start dancing with my son and his friend... the friend says, "My Mom is a lot more strict then you are."
The Obama administration is asking the Supreme Court to overrule long-standing law that stops police from initiating questions unless a defendant’s lawyer is present.
It is in that gap, that unfilled need for a fiscally conservative and socially neutral party, where the American Conservative Party is organizing. We seek to be the political arm for the tea party movement, the focused expression of voter rage. Started by blogger Bill Quick last year, the ACP is organizing chapters in 14 states already, with four more targeted for expansion this year.
Creating jobs is a bug, not a feature.
The whole point of using electricity instead of rubbing two sticks together is to eliminate work and therefore, necessarily, jobs. The whole point of an economy, of trade and commerce, of bankers, lawyers, miners, fishers, farmers, bakers, candlestickmakers and yes, even UAW members, is so I don’t have to do the work.
What possible point is there in increasing the amount of work, therefore jobs, we need to do to maintain our current level of wealth and comfort? What kind of nut would advocate this?
Leftists all think the amount of our money and our free time is infinite. Their own money and time? Not so much. Ask Tim Geithner.
Is everyone this damned ignorant about what an economy is? I was for sure until I got to Tim Worstall’s blog.
One of the primary mistakes of people in the upper middle class is that they often forget that their relative comfort is not permanent. Sure we all understand that good grades in school lead to acceptance at a better college and a better job and all that, but we forget about earthquakes, floods, terrorist attacks and bank failures. The trick to rising in society is defensive as well as offensive. The point of rising in society is to have society's rules work in your favor. So I never forget that this destination, as chic and comfy as it often seems from my own 'hood sensibilities, is not really a destination. It is a temporary reprieve and a temporary reward. Life is still about struggle.
On the day you release yet more awful unemployment figures…
As your leaders in the Legislature continue to impose new taxes and fees and grant public employee benefits for part time workers…
select * from directory where name like "%";
“So one of the things -- messages that I delivered today to all members of the Cabinet was, ‘As well as you've already done, you're going to have to do more.’ I'm asking for all of them to identify at least $100 million in additional cuts to their administrative budgets,” he said.
spending: $ 3,500,000,000,000
deficit: $ 1,200,000,000,000
requested cuts: $ 100,000,000
“It is and that's what I just said," the president said. "None of these things alone are going to make the difference but cumulatively, they make an extraordinary difference because they start setting a tone. So what we're going to do is line by line, page by page,$100 milliona Happy Meal there,$100 milliona Starbucks Latte here, pretty soon, even in Washington, it adds up to real money.”