Volvo Cash for Clunkers Engine Disabling (YouTube)
From Mr. Pournelle
Me, I'm driving a '97 Escort. I don't exactly like it but she runs well enough and my commute is short enough and I damn sure don't want a car payment.
And the government is paying blokes to destroy a nicer car than I've ever owned. Fuckers.
Government in action: pour in gunk to make the system lock up then gun the motor until it seizes.

From Mr. Pournelle
Whatever happens, the program has demonstrated the government's abilities to manage a relatively simple used car trade-in program; surely that can be used to infer the government ability to manage health care which is about 15% of the US economy?
Me, I'm driving a '97 Escort. I don't exactly like it but she runs well enough and my commute is short enough and I damn sure don't want a car payment.
And the government is paying blokes to destroy a nicer car than I've ever owned. Fuckers.
Government in action: pour in gunk to make the system lock up then gun the motor until it seizes.